Quick & Easy Dinner: Layered Taco Bake Recipe
This layered taco bake recipe is quick and easy to make for dinner. It’s a yummy twist on taco night, which is almost always part of our weekly menu plan. …
This layered taco bake recipe is quick and easy to make for dinner. It’s a yummy twist on taco night, which is almost always part of our weekly menu plan. …
My life has changed in a lot of ways after having a baby. These are some of the unexpected…. I’d look into someone else’s eyes while they pooped I’d look …
I’m still recovering and catching up from all the family stuff last week. We had Brian’s grandma’s funeral last Wednesday and then we went out of town for several days …
I’ve tweaked this recipe from Kraft Foods just a bit and it is a big hit at family gatherings. I’m often asked to bring along my Jello, so I thought …
Rissa’s nine month appointment was a couple weeks ago. I think I say this with each So Big! update, but I can NOT believe she is nine months old! It …
Dental hygiene is so important. I admit, I don’t much like brushing several times a day, or scrubbing my tongue, or flossing… but I want to keep my teeth! I’ve …
This is the longest trip away from home for Rissa yet. So far we’ve only done one overnight stay, this time we’re doing two nights away. I seriously can’t believe …
I mentioned before that the passage of time is rather strange to me now. It’s hard to believe we’re creeping up on Rissa’s first birthday already! I’ve been slacking on …
So, Rissa has become quite mobile. She is crawling and cruisin’ like nobody’s business! Which, of course, means I have to try and stay a step ahead of her for safety. …
My daughter loves to be held and close to mama. I’m her favorite place. It’s been like this since she was a few weeks old. It has presented some challenges …
I’m so happy that Rissa is more interested in story time now. When I tried to read to her before, she was more interested in trying to eat the books. …
There was a time, not so long ago, that I would have given you a dirty look if you suggested I get rid of my car. Since I got my …
I like to think I’m becoming a cloth diaper connoisseur. We traded in the disposables for reusable diapers at the end of January this year, so that’s a good 6+ …
I loooove pizza. I’m even getting less picky about my toppings these days (and thus, expanding my horizons). I like ’em frozen, take ‘n bake, fast food, parlor, and from …
Just a few weeks ago, Rissa started crawling forward. Now, this little girl can zoom around the living room like nobody’s business! She’s fast! Plus she’s pulling herself up on …
I used to prefer not to witness it, but it didn’t bother me. I used to think you should cover up, but now I don’t. My daughter doesn’t like to …
Yesterday I managed to sneak in some Twitter time that was more than just lurking. I caught sight of a tweet by @Greek_Momma about how people need to see us nursing …
It’s true. There are laws to protect a Mother’s right to breastfeed in public. I know, it sounds bizarre, right? I’m glad there’s a law to protect us, but it’s …
There are many things I enjoy about breastfeeding my kids. These range from benefits to special moments. While there are some days I may not like how dependent my children …
Dear Aerissa, Today you are 9 months old. I can hardly believe it. You are babbling, crawling, standing, clapping, and cruising. You even have two little teeth that you won’t …