I’m so happy that Rissa is more interested in story time now. When I tried to read to her before, she was more interested in trying to eat the books. This led to much fussing as I tried to flip through and read to her. Now, she will sit still (sometimes stand nearby) for a spell and show interest. Sometimes she even hands books to me or looks at them by herself. To save my sanity and keep her interested, I want to amass a nice collection of books for her! Even if she likes when I read the same book every day, I don’t always want to read it over and over again!
I received the opportunity to review an adorable book that is geared towards 4 to 8 year olds: A Quest for Good Manners written by Karin Lefranc and illustrated by Hannah Neale. Ms. Lefranc has four children of her own and also teaches manners classes for children. While it is written beyond my daughter’s years, I figure it doesn’t hurt to start reading it to her now.
This book is adorable. The illustrations are well done. They are lively and colorful. My daughter is very interested in them and loves to look at the book cover. She likes to point at the dragon and babble. The story starts with Rosalind (the princess) and Sparkler (her dragon) eating dinner with the queen and displaying very poor manners. They are sent on a quest to find good manners.
They meet up with a few other people who have tests for them which involve using basic manners such as saying please and thank you. Their quest is guided by a golden fork which had to be removed from a stone (reminiscent of Sword in the Stone). The key manner words are distinct throughout the book. They are colored and jump out at you. The length of the story is good for 4 yrs+. It was too long to read to Rissa all in one sitting. She just can’t keep her attention that long – but we made it halfway the first try!
The website for the book also has some fun activities and coloring pages you can print out for the kids!
Final thoughts: I like this book and think it’s a fun and cute way to introduce and reinforce manners.
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FTC Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above free of charge by the company or PR representative in order to conduct an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. The thoughts, experiences, and opinions included are entirely my own and may differ from that of others. I am not liable for any issues you may incur from use of said product(s). Images used are owned by me or provided with the company’s permission unless otherwise sourced. See full disclosure information. If you have any questions you can contact me or leave a comment.

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Thursday 25th of August 2011
Thank you for the great giveaway - (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Tamara Lauth
Thursday 25th of August 2011
I would love to win.
Tuesday 23rd of August 2011
How cute and my little tot is too young for it, but I'll have to keep it in mind for the future. I'm so glad you wrote that yours was interested in eating books because I was starting to worry. I'm hoping she resorts to her teething rings instead of book binding soon ;)
Thursday 18th of August 2011
my kids need this... or should I say, I need this to teach my kids :)
Jennifer shelton
Thursday 11th of August 2011
Hi, Im a new follower, loving the blog! I would love to invite you to follow me, Im trying to get to 200 before the 20th: J'S REVIEWS AND GIVEAWAYS Thanks so much! have a great day!