I used to prefer not to witness it, but it didn’t bother me.
I used to think you should cover up, but now I don’t. My daughter doesn’t like to be covered and neither do I. I don’t normally wear a blanket over my head at dinner – do you?
I used to think babies should only breastfeed for 6 months – 1 year at the max. I was not fully informed, but now I’ve been better educated on the magic that is mama’s milk. If baby can’t have cow’s milk til 1… why would I stop nursing just to switch to formula? Solids are just for fun right now. I now know that breastmilk fulfills all of baby’s nutritional needs up to the age of 1.
I shifted my view to thinking til 1 was okay, but no more than 18 months. Now I know that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends nursing through the age of 2. I’d rather allow my daughter to self-wean when she’s ready. My previous views were primarily influenced by society’s idea of “normal.”
I’ve learned that babies are pretty smart in knowing their needs. If she’s hungry – we nurse. If she’s scared and upset – we nurse. If she’s sleepy – we nurse. Nursing is more than just feeding.
I used to think pumping would be easy. Oh boy, I learned that pumping is hard! I cannot imagine pumping exclusively.
I used to think breastfeeding would just be a part of our routine. I never thought I’d become so passionate about it.

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Amber Dyer Atwat
Friday 12th of August 2011
just to add, I am a Muslim mommy ( I converted 11 yrs ago) and it is asked (not a command) that you breastfeed for at least 2 years. Now that i hear guide lines stating that two years are best to be honest it makes me happy. My boy 7yrs was feed for 2yrs and 4 mths. I loved every moment. His older sister and brother who are 17 and 18 now never took to it. so when my baby who is almost 3 cam i was looking to it. but the mil wouldn't come ( health problems) i pumped and worked hard till he was 3 or 4 mths and that all i could give. i was so sad and missed it. I loved the time i could feed them it was my time to rest, bond and just look at life. I am so happy there are others that get the same
Friday 12th of August 2011
Thank you for sharing! I'm hoping that if my view changed - others may be open to change too.
Saturday 6th of August 2011
I know exactly how you feel!!! :) WONDERFUL post! My daughter is 18 months and I had said one year max LOL our milk IS whole milk for humans! Now we are weaning when SHE wants to not when people say she should. My daughter never took a bottle..I tried the pumping thing....wasn't going to work since she refused a bottle. When she got older I tried putting what little milk I had in a cup and she hates it! Don't know why....she drinks water out of there but her milk has to come from the tap:)
Saturday 6th of August 2011
Thank you! My daughter doesn't like bottles either. She's only had a few while we had some latch issues and while I'm gone for a date night with hubby. I actually haven't been putting any milk in her cup, just a little water. I'm sure she'd be the same way! I'm also glad to hear the two of you are going strong! :)
krissy @ Mommy Miscellaneous
Saturday 6th of August 2011
I wish I was able to breastfeed, but they wouldn't let me because of my inhaler. :( They said the steriods in the inhaler made it impossible for me to breastfeed.
Saturday 6th of August 2011
I'm sorry to hear that :( But, when it comes to what's going to keep both of you healthy - have to do what you have to do! I'm guessing you have to use your inhaler often? Otherwise I'm not sure why they would think you'd pass the steroids on if it is just an occasional use. But, I'm not a doctor, of course.
Ancient Winds
Friday 5th of August 2011
Interesting post! I agree I was much more opinionated before I knew better and had experienced it for myself. I just wrote a post today about how great breastfeeding is as a mothering tool. I have learned so much by breastfeeding my little one!
Friday 5th of August 2011
I once read a description of "mothering at the breast" and I now understand what she meant!
Friday 5th of August 2011
Great post! i know exactly how you feel.
The way that I feel about breastfeeding has definitely changed and developed as well. I have learned so much, and I am also really passionate about breastfeeding now. :)
Crystal http://www.SoooBig.WordPress.com