Day Out With Thomas ~ Lots of Fun for Kids and Parents!
On Sunday we all went to a Day Out With Thomas at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Brian, Rissa, and I got up a bit earlier than …
On Sunday we all went to a Day Out With Thomas at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Brian, Rissa, and I got up a bit earlier than …
Some days I think I’m an awesome mom. I take care of my little girl – she’s clothed, fed, clean (usually), and has frequent diaper changes. I breastfeed. I cloth …
{I wanted to share these tips with you from Dr. Laura Jana and this big sweepstakes on behalf of Playtex. I was not compensated for this post. I thought many …
A year ago today I had an ultrasound that told us we were having a little girl. It’s incredible how much our lives have changed since that discovery. Do I …
Woohoo! Today (June 24th) Cars 2 races into theaters nationwide. And let me tell ya – I saw it. I think you’ll want to see it to, but there are …
My decision to breastfeed seemed pretty natural to me. It just seemed like there were so many benefits to it and such a normal thing to do. Honestly, as I …
Yes, I said TWO! I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I don’t know how my dad was so patient with me. Watching old home videos gives me a new perspective …
Press Release: New National Survey Commissioned by Finds a Third of Working Fathers Believe that the Demands of Their Jobs Interfere with Their Ability to be Good Parents; Fathers …
Today we’re taking Rissa to the zoo for the first time which should be fun! I can’t wait to see how she reacts to seeing all the animals. Since we’ll …
A few months ago, I thought Rissa started teething. Technically, I still think she was, but I think the teeth are finally working on making their appearance. She’s been super …
We decided that the last day of Summer Fluffin’ would be…. a mystery. Today is a free for all on topics. Since many of you seemed to get a kick …
They say life changes when you have children. It also changes when our life as we know it is at risk. Combine these two things together and life’s perspectives take …
Throughout Summer Fluffin’, I think I’ve said a couple times that you need a good wet bag. It’s important to store your wet and soiled diapers until it’s time for …
One thing we cloth mamas like to talk about is our stash. We are protective of our stashes, taking care to keep them in beautiful condition. It’s not unusual to …
You got fluff, now what? Well, there are a few accessories I consider to be essential and others that are not crucial but are nice to have too! This is …
Today we bring you another affordable choice for pocket lovers – Lovely Pocket Diapers! LPD really does have affordable prices. The regular pocket diapers sell for about $7-$7.50 each. The new …
When talking about pocket diapers, one of the cons I listed was price. The average price for a (one size) pocket diaper is $20. This really adds up, even if …
I want to touch that. I’m going to grab that. Can I reach it? *stretches* *cries* I want that. *Mama moves her or it away* Now, I want that. *Mama …
We’ve talked about AIOs, covers, prefolds, and fitteds. We can’t forget about pockets, can we? Of course not! If I would have thought about making the following cloth diaper – …
I’ve heard a lot of cloth lovin’ mamas rave about wool covers. It’s been something I’ve been curious to try but uncertain with the price tag. Depending on what you …