Hey friends! I keep my free printable games for kids, craft templates, activity pages and other downloadable goodies in my free printable resource library.
Inside you will find a variety of learning activities and fun things to do with kids.
Our resource library is free to use. All you need is the password in order to access it, which you can get by filling out the form below.
Here are some of our most popular printables that you can get for free inside our printable library:

If you already have a password, go here to visit the resource library and enter the password.
Forgot the password? The password is included at the bottom of nearly all of my emails. If you can’t find one of my emails to you, you may fill out the form above again or email me at darcy@darcyandbrian.com
Password not working? I recommend you copy and paste the password from my emails to avoid any accidental mistakes.
If the page refreshes after entering a password, but doesn’t show you any of the printables, then the password you entered was incorrect. Please double-check your email, copy the password, and paste it in at the link above.
If it still doesn’t work, check to make sure the URL has https at the start of it (that’s a secure page and it makes a difference) or try a different web browser.