Each week brings a little bit more excitement and panic at the same time. Even though I’ve “been there, done that” it’s still a little scary thinking about being responsible for two little ones. I can’t wait, but you know… I just hope to be the best mom I can for both of them.
Rissa is noticing the baby belly more. It’s cute though because she thinks my belly button is the access point. She will lift my shirt to show her brother toys. Awww!. She’s also learning his name and seems to be looking forward to baby coming home.
We will see if she still feels that way in a couple months!
In just a couple weeks I have to start seeing my OB every other week plus nonstress tests (NSTs) twice a week. Lots of monitoring for me just like last time. I’ll also continue to have ultrasounds every four weeks to check his growth.
I just had another ultrasound last Thursday and I’m happy to say he’s growing well! He’s measuring about 3lbs 5oz now and is around where he should be (normal range yay!). I’ve managed to gain about 5lbs in the last 3 weeks though. It’s all baby though, just like last time.
He was also head down – yesssss! I had a feeling he flipped since my pelvic pain has gone away for the most part. He doesn’t kick and punch the way Rissa did, I mostly just feel him twist and turn. Maybe he will be more laid back than his sister?
Now it’s time to start planning for Rissa’s care while I’m in labor, picking out a coming home outfit, talk with my OB about my birth plan and start packing my bag(s).
Oh and do all the other house prep like frozen meals, laundry (it never ends!), and clean!
What meals do you suggest freezing ahead?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Monday 8th of October 2012
It's really cute that your little girl is 'showing' her brother toys through your belly button. Adorable!!
Friday 19th of October 2012
Thanks! Let's hope she wants to keep up with this sharing when he gets here!
Friday 19th of October 2012
Thanks! Let's hope she wants to keep up with this sharing when he gets here!
Emily @ My Crazy Gluten Free Life!
Sunday 7th of October 2012
I can't believe you're at 31 wks already. Man time is flying by (for me at least haha). The other night neither of us wanted to deal with cooking something & had no idea what to cool. Thankfully I had a small taco pie (casserole pretty much) in the freezer from the last time I made it for dinner. We just took it out & popped it in the oven. I started working on typing up the recipe for my blog but haven't finished lol. It's basically like hamburger, taco seasoning, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce & sweet corn mixed all up .Then you just layer your corn tortillas, meat & sauce mix, and cheese. Since your meat is already cooked all you have to do is cook it at like 350 for about 30-40minutes.
Other lasagnas & stuff are good choices too. We love ham & eggplant lasagna here.
Friday 19th of October 2012
Goodness I need to stop slacking off on responding to comments. It seems like just the other day I read your comment... then waited.. and now I'm answering you 2 weeks later :( It is kinda flying by though! Your taco recipe sounds similar to a taco layer bake I do - I should freeze some of those and definitely freeze some lasagna. Last time my MIL froze up several meals for us but I have a feeling there won't be quite as many this time. I don't know why, it just seems like less help is offered for non-first babies, doesn't it? (could just be in my head lol)
Tahlia B.
Sunday 7th of October 2012
It's just around the corner - YAY! It's been so cool to follow your progress, thank you for sharing :)
Friday 19th of October 2012
Thanks for following along! (Even if I'm slow at responding to comments more often than I'd like to be!) I wish I had shared my first pregnancy in this way but I was too wrapped up in worries and decisions I think.
Kristin Wheeler (MamaLuvsBooks)
Saturday 6th of October 2012
I love your baby bump! Lookin' good!
Friday 19th of October 2012
Thank you! <3