My belly continues to grow and is starting to go out the front a bit more. I’ll still never have a perfectly round basketball belly though!
Naughty placentas… So, over a week ago I took the glucose screening test since I had gestational diabetes (GD) early with Rissa. A week went by and no phone call until this past Thursday. It was elevated. In a matter of seconds I experienced a range of emotions from anger and frustration to sadness. I was so disappointed – especially that it took a week to tell me!
Now as I write this I am sitting at the lab for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test to find out if I do indeed have GD early again. I’m guessing yes. Even though I’ve been through it before it is not fun. And it comes with risks for me and baby. As I was told previously, it must be a placenta issue…it affects my hormones and just makes it harder for me to process glucose properly. Boo.
My next ultrasound will be on July 19th. Hopefully we will be able to see what’s between baby’s legs on the screen. I want to do a little shopping!
Can’t believe we are almost halfway through already, can you?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Veronica De Luna
Sunday 1st of July 2012
I myself am currently 23 weeks pregnant & I know all about having some complications during pregnancy. I had a very large cyst that I had to have surgery for because it wad just too big to be left alone & could have caused me complications if left alone. Thankfully they were able to remove it without having it affect the baby & turns out it was much larger than they had believed it to be. It has now been 2 months since my surgery & so far so good. My heart goes out to you because I know how scary any problem during a pregnancy can be. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. You toughed it out through your first one so I'm sure you'll do the same with this one. :)
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Thanks :) I'm sure it'll be fine but there's always the unknown scariness that comes with a high risk pregnancy. I have some comfort in having been through it before and it all turning out well. I couldn't imagine surgery during pregnancy though - how scary! I have a friend that had a cyst during her pregnancy too - I remember how worried she was. Glad you are doing better now!
Audrey Jensen
Sunday 1st of July 2012
Ugh! I remember the glucose testing... I had to do both tests also. And that syrup(!) - yuck! I hope you don't have GD because that would make life easier. But you'll make it through if you do. Especially now that you're experienced with it! :)
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Thank you for the encouragement! I hope I don't... anxiously awaiting the results. If I don't have it now I might still develop it before the end which means more syrup, ugh. BUT if I have it... extra ultrasounds!
Sunday 1st of July 2012
I am sure that you will both be healthy and happy this time - you survived last time, right? :)
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Yep, Megan, we survived last time! I just can't help think how it was easier before without a toddler to look after and the possibility of induction again. If I have it, hopefully this baby will follow Rissa's example and come a few days before my scheduled induction date!
Maggie C
Saturday 30th of June 2012
Wow, you are just chugging right along! I do hope you don't have GD and that you can find out the gender on 7/19!
Thursday 5th of July 2012
It's starting to fly by a bit, probably because it's summer! I cannot wait until the 19th. I told hubby if they can't tell with some certainty then we will go to one of those 3D imaging places until we can find out!!