I’ve shared tidbits about me (and my family) all over his blog, there’s still more for you to learn about us. You already know the coolest fact which is Brian and I share the same birthday, but I have more fun things to share… Not that we are the most fascinating people or anything, but maybe that’s why these lists are so interesting. You get to see that I’m not so different from you. (Or maybe I am?)
Maybe that’s comforting… Or a relief? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just paving the way for us to become online besties! (Did I just use that word? I hate that word…)
Anywho here are 5 random facts about my family:
1. We’re gamers. Even if I don’t get a lot of time for it these days I am still one deep in my heart. Heck I wrote about gaming for a couple years. Both Brian and I grew up gaming and Rissa has already been introduced to it as well.
2. We’re metalheads. Yup, it’s true. Well I can’t quite speak for Xander yet. We do listen to a variety but our preference tends to be heavy metal and all (well most) of its many genres. Rissa can headbang and continues to work on throwing the horns. \m/ Her love of rock ‘n roll began in the womb.
3. Brian is our family historian. He’s quite passionate about genealogy and writes about it too. He’s found some very fascinating things like my connection to English royalty. (All hail Queen Darcy! has a nice ring to it dontcha think?)
4. My daughter and I have the same dimple in the same spot on the left side… Top of the cheek dimples aren’t super common I don’t think. Not as common as middle of the cheek anyway.

5. Brian is the only one baptized. I’m not and neither are my children. (No we aren’t Satan worshippers – don’t worry!) Someday I should write more about this, eh?
If that has left you wanting to know more…. here’s 10 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Know About Me…first one is about my fear if clowns. *shudder*
Did any of these surprise you? Tell me some random facts about your family!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Candice @ TheNewModernMomma
Sunday 3rd of February 2013
What a cute post. You have inspired me to write one! :)
Darcy Zalewski
Sunday 3rd of February 2013
I'd love to read yours!
Jenny @ MyLittleMe
Friday 1st of February 2013
I love that you both have that rare dimple. That's pretty cool for you to share that!
We used to be gamers, but I quit a long time ago. Hubby just plays skyrim now while I do other things.
Darcy Zalewski
Friday 1st of February 2013
Thanks :) yeah the blog and kids keep me too busy to do much besides Dance Central for games.
Michele Southworth
Friday 1st of February 2013
My Hubby and I play Diablo 3 together, occasionally. I don't play games like that very often, always too much to do with four kids. ;) I love genealogy and look forward to learning more & becoming more proficient at it. Great random facts! Visiting from Mama Kat's, as well as returning your visit to my blog!
Darcy Zalewski
Friday 1st of February 2013
Genealogy now makes history more interesting than it was in school. Plus it's neat to see where you came from!
Tahlia B.
Thursday 31st of January 2013
I was an only child until the age of 9. I have five younger siblings but none are full-blooded or by one parent exclusively. My husband is Filipino and a gamer (fighter, shooter and RPG's on PS3). I have dabbled in Street Fighter, Mortal Combat, Singstar and Rock Band. I didn't want children, but life happened and I felt different by 33. I had my daughter just before I turned 35. She will likely be the only one.
Tahlia B.
Sunday 3rd of February 2013
I know my daughter has dimples, but just today I realized you said you & Rissa have the top of the cheek dimple...so does my daughter & hubby, on the right side though! I didn't know it was less common.
Darcy Zalewski
Friday 1st of February 2013
Oh and <3 Rock Band :)
Darcy Zalewski
Friday 1st of February 2013
I'm the opposite on the siblings - I'm the youngest and have 6 half sisters. Makes things s little more interesting yet confusing, I think. Thank you for sharing!
Thursday 31st of January 2013
We are actually a gamer family too. For awhile there, it was boss fights every Saturday night in LOTRO. These days we play Lego Batman, and our son plays with us!
Darcy Zalewski
Friday 1st of February 2013
That's awesome! Hubby & my dad played LOTRO for awhile. I used to be big into WoW. Family runs were fun :)