It’s finally here. My baby has her first tooth!
She won’t let me take a picture of it. She clamps her mouth shut and pushes away my hands. Doesn’t she know that I need it for the blog?!
The teething is not over though. I feel horrible that I’m not sure when this tooth came through. I happened to notice a sliver of white while she had her mouth open and laughing while in the Target parking lot last night.
(Seriously, what kind of mother doesn’t notice the second her first baby gets a tooth?)
I could barely see it… it’s JUST through the gum on the bottom. I was able to stick a finger in her mouth and feel it – the sharp little thing! Just shy of 9 months and she finally has a chomper!
Then I panicked.
We hadn’t started using the little baby tooth brush I got her. I wanted her to be used to it before any teeth came in. I used to rub a clean washcloth along her gums but hadn’t been doing that for awhile either.
Well, she is fascinated by me brushing my teeth for some reason. So, I got out her toothbrush and ran it under the sink. (We’ll save baby toothpaste for later.) She wouldn’t open her mouth, so I handed it to her. She tried to brush MY teeth! I didn’t let her brush past my lips though.
Since I was holding her in front of the bathroom mirror, I distracted her with the baby in the mirror (who she loves to wave at and yabber to) and got the brush in her mouth. She let me move it around on her gums and over her little tooth. Mostly she tried to chew and suck on it though.
I wonder how long it will take to come all the way up? And when the one next to it will break through?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Sunday 24th of July 2011
Congratulations!! I remember when my daughter got her first tooth. After all the nights of no sleep and the days of crankiness--I felt like celebrating. :)
Shanan (new follower)
Sunday 24th of July 2011
Thanks! Followed you back. I'm hoping the other one comes in quick! Her sleep is so disrupted right now.
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
Ha! I can't even find the baby toothbrush my husband swears we have. My baby (7mo on Monday) got her first two teeth together when she was 5.5mo, but the top two are proving more troublesome. Any day now... (I've been saying that for three weeks.)
Sunday 24th of July 2011
I hadn't taken it out of the package yet LOL
Closer to Lucy
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
Awww...better watch out, she'll be chewing your steaks before long!
Congrats baby girl! Don't grow up too fast! Muah!
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
I remember my son's first tooth :) New follower...would love for you to follow back!
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
Thanks for visiting - followed back!
Crystal C
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
Why did you panic? Man if I told you stories you would probably think I was a horrible Mom LOL
AWW WTG on her first tooth!! Didn't you know as soon as you spot it your supposed to trick someone else into finding the tooth. The first person to find the first tooth buys the first shoes lol..Although she is 8mths? That tooth took awhile ;-)
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
I didn't know about the shoe thing. This girl won't wear socks let alone shoes! LOL It did take awhile.. I'm not looking forward to her cutting molars :(