One thing we use the nursery for a lot is changing diapers! And where there are diapers, there are other unpleasantries. I received some expert tips on reducing germ exposure and thought you might be interested in these. I’ve added some commentary in purple throughout the information below!
Expert Tips for Minimizing Germs in the Nursery
According to a recent study commissioned by Playtex surveying moms and moms-to-be on their germ-related knowledge, the majority of moms don’t know what it takes when it comes to keeping the nursery clean. In fact, most didn’t make the grade— the average score was a D! [Eeps, I wonder how I would have scored?]
To help moms brush up on their germ knowledge, germ expert Dr. Benjamin Tanner has partnered with Playtex and put together seven tips addressing simple things moms can do to maintain a clean and healthy nursery!
1 – Disinfect germ hot spots (floor, changing table, toys and laundry hamper) at least once a day to kill any harmful bacteria that may be lurking. Make sure to focus on these key areas more than others when disinfecting in the nursery. I wipe down the changing pad constantly, but am not sure it’s getting sanitized.
2 – Develop a mess-free changing routine that incorporates the Diaper Genie Elite® Disposal System. Its built-in antimicrobial protection inhibits odor causing bacteria, and its convenient foot pedal makes for an easy, hands-free disposal, helping to minimize the spread of germs in the number one germ hotspot in the nursery: the changing table. I love foot pedals for trashes. I have a foot pedal cloth diaper hamper but the nursery garbage is a pop top type.
3 – Water isn’t always available during a change! Make sure to always keep hand sanitizer or wipes, like Wet Ones, nearby— which will kill 99.99 percent of bacteria on surfaces and your hands. I have both!
4 – Use an EPA-registered disinfectant when cleaning and always allow it to remain wet for 5-10 minutes before wiping to let it do its job. Afterwards, wipe the surface down with water to get rid of any chemical residue that may irritate your baby’s skin. When in a hurry it is so hard to leave it sit long enough to work!
5 – Keep a separate hamper in the nursery specifically for heavily soiled baby laundry. These clothes should be washed using hot water, which will help prevent bacteria from spreading in the wash. I kept things separate when she had blowouts as a newborn. Dealing with poopy clothes is always a pain.
6 – The belief that exposing children to germs strengthens the immune system is a major misconception. Germ exposure should always be avoided!
7 – Recognize that there’s no such thing as the 5-second rule! Germ transfer is instantaneous and items should be disinfected before being given back to baby. I’m totally guilty of this, even for myself. And I’m sorry but this is very hard to keep up with for every item thrown or dropped. I evaluate where it landed!
There you have it, folks! What are your tips?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Sarah BB @ East9thStreet
Friday 27th of January 2012
I can't stand diaper pails. We use disposables so everyone time I have a soiled diaper, it goes straight to the trash bin in the garage. As far as #7, in an ideal world where moms have all the time in the world, I'm sure we'd all disinfect every surface we could but I'm with you, I evaluate where it landed!
Saturday 28th of January 2012
At home I don't really think about it. I'm more concerned in public places!
Friday 27th of January 2012
Good (and kind of scary) information. I find that I'm a bit lax on the disinfecting at home. When we are out in public, say on a changing table in a public restroom, I nearly call out the HazMat team. At home, though, I'm more laidback. Sounds like I need to beef up my germaphobic tendencies.
Saturday 28th of January 2012
I'm the same way!
Betty Baez
Friday 27th of January 2012
Thanks for the tips I definitely didn't think about the hamper ugh that just sounds awful I'm ashamed
Saturday 28th of January 2012
I didn't score so well either so you aren't alone!
Denise Taylor-Dennis
Friday 27th of January 2012
Great tips I didn't know some of these facts.
Saturday 28th of January 2012
Glad they were helpful!
Friday 27th of January 2012
I can't add tips (I'm lucky my child didn't get sick when he was a baby based on these tips) but I can learn from using these tips. We didn't use the changing table much when he was a baby and just changed him on the nearest safe surface. Guess we're all lucky we didn't get sick. :(
Saturday 28th of January 2012
Us too though I'm always washing or sanitizing my hands. The other stuff... umm.. I need to work on maybe.