Yep. It’s happening. She doesn’t quite have the move-one-hand-forward-pull-and-move-opposite-knee-forward basics down yet, but baby is learning to crawl. She’s really quite fascinating to watch. Well, now that she’s more creative in her movement. It wasn’t very fun having her cry every two seconds because she was stuck or couldn’t manipulate her body the way she wanted.
Update! She started to crawl last night! Forward!
She’s been able to sit on her own for a few months now, but couldn’t get up into a sitting position on her own until more recently. I know babies progress differently and the time frame can vary, but I thought it’d be interesting to look at what she’s been doing between 6-8 months. (This is just physical milestones)
- Sitting unassisted for a length of time
- Leans forward to rake toys closer to her
- Twists and turns to look around without toppling over
- Can regain balance before toppling
- Leans forward to “flip” onto belly (starts with face plants and the occasional squawk from legs being stuck under belly..)
- Able to get legs out from underneath to lay on belly
- Does push ups
- Pushes against objects with arms outstretched (floor, my chest)
- Scoots backwards while on tummy, pushes off with hands
- Stretches to reach things while on belly
- Pushes with toes to try and reach further while on belly
- Can spin around/pivot on belly – using hands and knees
- Gets on hands and knees and rocks
- Gets into seated position from tummy
- Pulls up into standing position
- Sort of sits up from back
- Crawls forward!! (as of 7/7/11 in the evening)

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
April G
Friday 8th of July 2011
Woohoo!!!! Go Rissa! Seems like once they accomplish one thing, they start doing EVERYTHING!!! I bet it's super cute watching her! Love the pic! She's adorable!
Friday 8th of July 2011
It's cute and scary! ahaha
Friday 8th of July 2011
Oh jiminy, I'm not ready for my little one to be crawling, but I know it's coming pretty soon. She does all but the last 4 or 5 things, though she's on the verge of doing the rocking thing and sitting up from being on her tummy. (I think she's actually done the latter once or twice, but not when anyone was looking, so there've been a few cases of, "Hey, weren't you not sitting up a couple minutes ago?")
Friday 8th of July 2011
There were times I swear she teleported across the room. She'd still be on her butt and I'd be looking at her like "weren't you over.. there? Before? How'd you get here?" I never SAW her scoot on her butt but I know she was doing it!
Megan @ Loving the little things
Friday 8th of July 2011
Mine has recently started crawling too!! So much for setting her down for a minute and knowing a I have a few free moments to get something done. Uh oh!
Friday 8th of July 2011
I know! And she's not like the cats where I can just use my foot to nudge her in a new direction. lol
Lori B
Friday 8th of July 2011
I love that Rissa is just 3 months older than Will. So I use your milestones to anticipate what may be close around the corner for us. (Yes, I know every baby is different and Will may be faster or slower at some things.) Just curious though; when was Rissa able to sit reliably on her own. Will cannot sit unassisted at all. He either slowly falls to the side or forward (never backwards though).
Friday 8th of July 2011
She was about 5 months when she really could sit. Before that there was no telling how long before she toppled over. One day she just suddenly stayed upright for more than 5 minutes! But even then, if she was startled or she tried to turn to see somthing... boop over she went!