In the near future I will share some helpful information about coping and managing gestational diabetes, but right now I just need to get my thoughts and feelings out. This is where I take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of my blog.
Quick run down in case you aren’t familiar with all the details…
First pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at about 15 weeks. They suspected Type 2 that was undiagnosed but that wasn’t the case since I no longer had it after giving birth. I had to start insulin early on as well, fasting and breakfast were my most stubborn numbers. Lunch and dinner were nearly diet controlled.
Since I no longer work in Milwaukee, I didn’t see the point of continuing to see my last OB. Her office was near my work, but not close to my house. At the start of this pregnancy I picked an OB closer to home.
I liked her well enough and she works within the same medical system as where I gave birth previously. They now have a hospital location closer to home that opened after I had Rissa. I made sure to tell them about my early GD diagnosis last pregnancy.. And confirmed that I knew I was very likely to develop it again.
My new OB kept saying she thought I’d be fine this time at least until my third trimester. She did schedule an early glucose screening but said I’d probably pass.
I didn’t. And I can’t help but feel like I was set up for emotional failure… Given false hope. I’d be emotional over the diagnosis either way, but it seems like a disservice to talk up how I won’t have it…when I do. Again. I felt a little blindsided.
It was better when I was going into the whole thing figuring I’d have it early again even though I hoped for a low risk pregnancy.
I wasn’t given my results until a week after the test despite the lab tech telling me the results would be in my chart that afternoon. Then it was time to schedule the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Today is over a week after that test.
Yep, finally got the results today. I have it again.
I’m told by a nurse that I’m being referred to a diabetic educator and endocrinologist. This is different than how it was handled last time. Last time I worked with the maternal fetal medicine (MFM) department at the hospital I was to deliver at to manage my diabetes. I asked about this since there is a MFM department in their system at the hospital that is 15 minutes away from my house.
But no, instead I’m to go see this other doctor at one of two locations that’s at least 30 minutes away. (We only have one car and hubby has to take off of work or go in late so I can get to my appointments.) I say that I don’t like this plan and want to know my options. I wait for the nurse to consult with my OB.
Well, for then to send a note to her. I don’t get to talk to her and each time I talk to a different nurse in a call center type set up.
She wants me to see the endocrinologist because MFM would mean more appointments. I can work with the other office over email or phone to monitor my levels (umm same as how MFM did it for me last time). Fine. I agree and am asked which location I’d prefer. I request the one closest and get transferred to schedule an appointment.
I’m on hold for a bit when I realize I’m not sure what the doctor’s name is I’m supposed to meet with. It gets figured out since there’s an order in the computer system. The nurse says the first available appointment is August 31st.
August 31st! Hell no. Gestational diabetes treatment can’t wait another 6 weeks to start. While I haven’t been as tight on my diet as I’ll need to be now, I know waiting that long just puts baby and me in danger. I tell her that’s not acceptable, I need to see this doctor ASAP.
Okay, appointment this Saturday at the other location. So the office I did not want to go to and I have to cancel my monthly trip to visit my parents and help them grocery shop etc.
Of course I take the appointment and once I’m off the phone I burst into tears. Tears of frustration, guilt, sadness, confusion, and fear. Poor Rissa comes over to say “mommy cry” and “sorry” as she hugs my legs. I hug her tight and assure her she didn’t do anything to make me cry.
I don’t think my OB or her clinic system handled any of this very well. I know I wasn’t happy to hear the diagnosis, but it feels like they’ve been too laid back about the whole thing. No, they don’t need to frighten women, but last time my testing and diagnosis was treated with more urgency and care for my emotions…and factoring in convenience too. Adding more hardship onto an already heavy situation doesn’t help much, ya know?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Emily @ My Crazy Gluten Free Life!
Monday 16th of July 2012
Yea, definitely talk to your OB about it. It's frustrating but sometimes you end up with good doctors that have bad office staff. We were in the lobby waiting one visit, when another one of the doctors there chewed out the office staff for doing something that almost resulted in a lady possibly having a miscarriage. She had called like on a Friday & they put her off til her next check up & then she finally called over the weekend & got the on call doctor & ended up being hospitalized.
It's pretty scary when you think about it. How much information do the doctors not receive when you're talking through another person. I guess to the office staff you're just another hysterical pregnant lady & you don't know what you're talking about. This last pregnancy I just asked for the nurse each time or asked to leave a message for the nurse. They're a bit more reliable than the clerical staff, at least in my experience so far :)
Anyway, good luck Darcy!
Friday 13th of July 2012
I'm so sorry. I had GD with my 2nd pregnancy and did the same route that your OB suggested....I saw a diabetes counselor & endocrinologist every 2 weeks at $40 a copay. I ended up having to take insulin once a day but it was all worth it for my healthy baby.
Sunday 15th of July 2012
Oh yes the treatment is so important. I just feel like the whole thing (starting with how long it takes to get results) wasn't handled very well. It went much smoother and quicker last time. It was like my previous OB better understood the risks and urgency to start treatment.
Emily @ My Crazy Gluten Free Life!
Tuesday 10th of July 2012
Wow! I've had to do the stupid 3hr test both pregnancies but luckily I passed both times. So I haven't had to deal with the gestational diabetes problem but for both pregnancies we had extra concerns. First time was because of medication I was on before I got pregnant & then the 2nd was because I was doing fertility treatments to get pregnant & that makes for a slightly more risky 1st trimester.
I had issues with my doctor's office during my 1st pregnancy. Because of the defect risks caused by the medication that I was on my doctor wanted an early ultrasound, like as soon as possible. The girls at the front desk didn't pay attention & tried to schedule me for a 20wk ultrasound & I argued with them & they were just plain rude & told me basically I didn't know what I was talking about, that they don't schedule them sooner than 20wks. When I saw my OB the next time he wanted to know why he didn't see my ultrasound yet & I told him & he was pissed. He called & got it done himself.
I've found that sometimes the messages don't quite make it to the doctors like they're supposed to. I'm not sure when your next check up is but when you see your OB you should talk to her about the situation. Hopefully it can get worked out a bit better.
Sunday 15th of July 2012
Oh my goodness I would have been SO MAD! It can be frustrating going through someone else. I wish my OB would have called me to follow up like my old one did when it seemed like something was "off" with the messages. I am definitely going to let her know I felt unimportant in this process. I like her otherwise though.
Sarah L
Tuesday 10th of July 2012
I'd say: AARRGGHH!! That's a bunch of stuff for you to have to deal with. Good luck in getting it under control quickly.
Sunday 15th of July 2012
Definitely frustrating! Things are piecing together but when it's all said and done, a month will have passed before I'm on insulin (which I know I'll need based on last pregnancy needs).
Monday 9th of July 2012
Darcy, I'm so sorry to hear about the GD as well as the frustrating experience you had with your OB. Have you considered finding a new OB while you have time to make the switch? It seems like your gut is telling you that you don't particularly care for this new doctor or her approach. Keep standing up for yourself. Pregnancy is so hard. I'll be thinking of you in the coming weeks and hope all goes well.
Sunday 15th of July 2012
Thank you, Audrey. I like her pretty well otherwise. Hubby reminded me that this OB isn't a high risk specialist like my last one was... so that might be part of it. I'm not sure how often she has GD patients whereas my last one had lots of patients with GD and other risk complications...and only worked with a few low risk mamas. I'm nervous about trying to switch at this point especially since I have limited options with insurance. It's good insurance but they recently totally cut out the other close by hospital system from their network. Blarg, why does this stuff have to be such a PITA?!