I’d like to think I’m wiser about being a mom now that I’ve had my second child, but the truth is I’m still figuring it out as I go along. Just when I think I’ve got it down pat, one of these kiddos throws me a curve ball. Usually it’s my oldest, since she continues to grow up into uncharted territory for me. So far I feel like I know what to expect with my newborn simply because I have gone through it before. Though he’s a boy which makes it a little different than dealing with a girl.
See, these two just can’t make it easy for me, can they?
Still, I think I have a few tips that may be helpful for new and expectant moms. Here are 5 tips that have served me well, especially the second time around!
1. Be confident in your parenting choices.
No matter if it’s your first or fifth, someone somewhere will try to give you unsolicited parenting advice. There’s just something about becoming a parent that puts a sign over your head that reads “Advice Wanted.” Most of the time it is well meaning advice, but it may be outdated, misinformed, or not in line with your style. You’ll hear a variety of advice from family, friends, and even strangers. (And, yes, even people without kids!)
I used to let some of the advice get to me. I’d mull it over and question my own abilities. Or worse, I’d try to refute them or explain why I wouldn’t do that but am doing this instead. It’s not worth it. Just smile and nod.
2. Enjoy the snuggles and let everything else go.
With my daughter I got upset and stressed out about not being able to get things done during the day. Just getting showered and dressed made it feel like a productive day! This time – I’m less worried about what others think of the toy strewn living room and the sink full of dishes.
My main focus is spending time with my children. Some days I can get more done, but other days my kids are more demanding of my attention. They are only little once and for a short period of time, so I choose to play and snuggle as much as I can! (Really what I’m saying is just be realistic about daily expectations and what you can get done.)
3. Try babywearing.
I didn’t start babywearing my daughter until she was almost out of the newborn stage. My first attempt was during the newborn days but she didn’t seem to like it, I didn’t like the wrap I was using, and so I stopped for awhile. You might need to try a couple different carriers to find what works best for you and your little one. Once the two of you get used to it, it will be so helpful! It’s especially helpful to wear baby while having a toddler to also tend to – trust me. And, babies love to be so close to mama.
4. Don’t stress when things don’t go as planned.
As much as I like to plan and schedule things, having kids means being flexible. Routine is important and has its place, but I found a strict schedule did not work for us. It just caused me stress. This also applies to things like feeding, sleeping, diapering, etc. It was important to me to nurse my daughter, but there was a short period of time I did need to give her formula.
The biggest thing that doesn’t go as planned for me though is using disposable diapers since we cloth diaper. However, some instances require me to deviate from it for my own sanity like when we travel far away for more than a couple days, battling yeast in the cloth diapers, or just after adding a newborn to the house! When I do choose to use disposables I opt for natural ones much like the Touch of Nature line offered at Comforts for Baby.
5. Allow extra getting ready time.
I used to always be early or right on time before I had kids. With one child I discovered it was hard to be on time because something always came up just as we needed to walk out the door – like a dirty diaper needing to be changed! Now with two kids, the time needed to get ready and out the door is more challenging. I start getting them ready a good 20 minutes before I need to leave.
Yes, really, 20 minutes prior if I need/want to be on time! My toddler has a tendency to dawdle and just gets slower the more I rush her. So, I start the process early so it goes smoother for everyone. Plus, that way I’m less likely to forget to pack extra diapers/clothes in the diaper bag. Every time I’ve cut corners on this it has backfired on me.
So what do you know now that you wish you knew then?
As an experienced and savvy mom, I’ve learned to juggle multiple things at once, and do it well!
Check out Comforts For Baby’s Pinterest page for more tips for moms like you.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Comforts For Baby. The opinions and text are all mine.

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
@MryJhnsn from iNeedaPlaydate
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
I love that first picture! Great tips. I absolutely agree with all of them! Especially, allowing for extra time - a lot of extra time lol