You know I love books even if I’m finding less time to read these days. One thing is for certain, we prioritize reading with the kids. Rissa loves books and is excited when we get new ones. (We love raiding Goodwill for used books!) The kids also enjoy going to storytime at the library too, which we always sign up for during the summer and fall.
Well, I signed Rissa up for a couple reading challenges which is more about us documenting what we’re reading with a deadline goal. 25 different books during the summer is really doable, at least for us. Storytime at the library counts (which is 2-3 books a week) plus she gets 2-3 books at bed time every night. She does have her favorites that get read nearly every day, but she welcomes new stories too.
Reading 1000 different books by the time she starts kindergarten sounds intimidating. We have about two years to complete that goal. Brian joked that since they require it to be 1000 different books, it’s making you use the library. I think that is a brilliant idea, don’t you? No reason any family has to buy a bunch of books for these challenges when they can borrow them!
At the end of the video I announced that I will be participating in VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August). I really enjoyed it in April, so I’m looking forward to another round. Also… snorty baby vlog bomb!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Mindy Grant
Sunday 1st of September 2013
This is such a great idea!