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M&M Rainbow Science Experiment for Kids

This M&M Rainbow Candy Science Experiment is a simple science activity for kids to do at home.

You can use candy to conduct science experiments with kids at home or in the classroom.

They will have fun making patterns and watching the colors. This activity is perfect for preschool children!

Look no further than your kitchen for another fun and easy science experiment for kids! Find even more with our 30 Days of Science Activities for Kids Planner.

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Looking for a fun and easy science experiment for kids? Use candy to conduct science experiments with kids at home or in the classroom. They will have fun making patterns and watching the colors. This activity is perfect for preschool children!

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How to Make an M&M Rainbow

If you have leftover candy from a previous holiday, don’t just throw it out, do candy science experiments instead!

Use old M&Ms to create a beautiful and colorful candy rainbow using science.

Kids will love doing this experiment over and over again. There is no end to how much fun you can have with this simple science activity.

M&M Candy Rainbow Science Preschool Learning Concepts

  • Before you start, ask your kids to identify the different colors of M&Ms. You can also have them practice fine motor skills by sorting them.
  • Work on patterns by starting a simple color sequence, such as red-green-red, and have them continue the pattern around the plate.
  • Practice counting how many candies fit on the plate.
  • Ask preschoolers what shape the candies make.
  • Ask them what they think will happen when the water is poured onto the plate?
  • Let them experiment with candy placement and water pouring. Do they get the same results each time?

We love simple science experiments for kids because they are easy to set up while offering plenty of learning opportunities.

Gather your supplies for the candy rainbow activity

M&M Candy Science Experiment Supplies:

  • M&Ms (we used mini ones)
  • White plate (ideally with a slope to the center)
  • Warm water

M&M Candy Rainbow Science Experiment Directions:

Spread M&Ms out into a circle shape in the middle of the plate.

You can experiment with trying different shapes, multiple layers of candy, and placing the candy in different locations on the plate.

Candy rainbow science experiment tutorial

We went with a classic circle because you can’t beat how pretty the circle rainbow looks!

Get some warm water from the tap.

Carefully pour a thin layer of water under the M&Ms. Pour just enough water to cover the bottom of the plate.

Color from candy coating begins to spread during this science experiment for kids

Watch as the colors spread across the plate.

The most fascinating thing about this experiment is that if you don’t bump the plate or table, the colors will stay in their own lanes.

It makes a colorful rainbow but does not mix.

An easy science experiment for little kids using M&M candy.

This happens because the M&Ms dissolve quickly (as they are made to “melt in your mouth”) but they won’t mix unless you bump the plate.

Bumping the plate will quickly turn the pretty rainbow colors into a brown mess, so watch out!

Use candy to create a rainbow and get little kids excited about science.

If you have a whole bag of M&Ms, repeat this experiment several times and use color different patterns!

This M&M Rainbow Science Experiment is perfect for a preschool science unit or just for fun at home!

More preschool science experiments:

M&Ms on a plate with colors melting.

Rainbow Science Experiments for Bright, Happy Learning

Tuesday 26th of February 2019

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Easy and Fun Science Experiments for Kids | Fearless Homeschool

Tuesday 12th of February 2019

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Thursday 12th of April 2018

This really is so cute and fun! My six year old will love this!

Darcy Zalewski

Thursday 12th of April 2018

Thank you! This is really fun for kids to do. :D